Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The ins and outs of the Crash

There were so many reasons for the crash. Besides
the big brokers getting greedy, there were other
reasons. After World War II, that terrible war,
Farmers had been growing too much produce ofr
the soilders, and there was a lot of surpluse left.
Well,  the farmers could not keep their prices high
because there was so much produce on the market
that farmers had to drive there prices down. This is
called too much supply and not enough demand.
This causes the price of goods to fall. That is called
deflation. Since the bull market was not selling
enough of its GDP, or in other words, its biggest
resource, the stock marlet begain to slide. October 29,
1929, known as Black Tuesday, stock prices fell quickly. A radio
stock went from 100 dollars to 28 dollars. When cost increase
across the board with no this is called inflation. When prices
decrease in all areas of the economy, this is deflation. This
decrease in worth in the stock caused stock brokers to decrease
their investments in American countries, thereby the value or
worth of the stock had decreased. Many people lost all their
money. Banks could not repay their customers because farmers
and other investors could not pay their loans. This sent America
into the Great Depression. Uncle Scotty from Texas says that my
ex- Beau should be careful he doesn't get himself into trouble.
Times are Changing!

Crash and Burn

Everyone is running around like crazy. The banks are shutting down, and brokers are losing all their money. The stock market is crashing, and the good times are over. Who knows what will happen?
My ex-beau in New York says that it is the end of an era. He bought all of his shares in the stock market on credit, and only paid for ten percent of the stock. Now he owes so much money! He does not know how he will pay it back. Jobs are being cut as I type! I heard that whole companies are shutting down. The company that makes my lip stick just shut its doors yesterday, putting 300 people out of jobs. I guess that brokers did not inverts there money properly. They were greedy and bought on what they could not pay back. They put all their eggs into one basket. But I guess how would they have known? The market was doing so well. We were living on a bull market! But you know, growing up in poverty makes you understand what you really need. Food, water, shelter, and love. Nothing fancy. It will be no fun not having any money, but I know how to live without it. People got greedy. That is all there is too it.

Times are a changing!

I can remember when I lived in New York with my mom, and we barely had running water. Horses carted around the streets at night, and impractically long dresses seemed to restrain women to the home. But now women are cutting their hair short, flapping around, dancing to the Charleston and making so much noise. We drink, smoke, and stay out late. We are so different that the mothers who raised us. Girls are coming from far and wide to live in the city. They want to buy the most fashionable clothes and live the lives of socialites. We are free! We can vote, and yet we are still begging men to buy us dinner!
 There have been so many more inventions being used. Why, I listen to the radio everyday! Have to the mooring whether on KLRP and hear the baseball games. Me and my beau love going to the baseball games. He can yell and scream at good old Babe, and I don't have to shush him one bit. I think America has fallen in love with baseball. In the past it would have seemed so frivolous to just high tail it to a game in the middle of the afternoon, but boy do I enjoy a great baseball game.
Day trips are also as much fun. We can just hop in our model T's and head down the road to the Bach. It doesn’t take too long! I cannot believe how much this country has stated producing. I mean, it is the second industrial revolution. Ford is churning out cars as fast as he can, and traffic jams are happening almost as fast.
Speaking of fast, air plains have taken over the sky. Why just yeasterday I got a package from Aunt may In Springfield, Conneticut! She sent me a bow and an ice chest! She has always been the thoughtful one in teh family. I have always wated to fly on a plan like Ameilia Airheart and Lindy. They fly all over the world, over cities, and oceans. I would like to feel that freedom.
One thing is for sure, the movies will never get old. Not in this generation or the next. As long as I am on the silver screen, everything will be okay!

Louder, Louis Armstrong!

I got coffee with a friend Lewis Armstrong. He's a famous trumpet player and he is pretty good. I see him at the clubs alot, especially up in Harelem. He let me take some pictures of him, and we looked at old ones.

Clara Bow: So Lewie, you're so passionate about your music. Where does that passion come from?
Lewis Armstrong: Well, I reckon it comes from my roots, where I come from. See, I was born back in the early days. I'm older than you, you know? On August 4, 1901, I was born in one of the poorest sections of old New Orleans. We were poor. My momma took care of me until I got sent to Juvenile for firing a pistol. It was there that I got my first music lessons and was inspired. Got away from that place and played trumpet with King Oliver. He was s great guy. He taught me everything I know!
CB: That was in New Orleans. How did you end up here in New York?
LA: It was a long road Clair, but we made it. A lot of the southerners were moving up there, and we just went where the music went. We had some good times up in Chicago. I love that city! But old King Oliver was always moving us along. We preformed on the radio in 1926. I did a little scat, but things really got big when we were in New York.
CB: New York is where big things happen!
LA: They sure did! We sang at Conies in, up in Harlem. Those were high times. After that I got to perform scat on Broadway in Conies Hot Chocolate.
CB: So what is your favorite thing about being famous?
LA: Besides the all the food I can eat?
CB: (Laughing) that was always a bonus.
LA: Honestly, I love being a role model for my race. I hope that someday, we will have the same privileges that white's do. I think it’s a necessity that we should. It is not fair that I have to entertain these white folks, yet my brothers cannot even come inside the club to hear their man playing. It just isn't right. Women got the right to vote, so when is it our turn?
CB: I never knew that this was such an issue...I have another question. It is not quite as deep!
So you said you liked all the food you get to eat. What is your favorite?
LA: If I could pick anything....
CB: Anything!
LA: I would have to stick with my mom's fried chicken!
CB: Favorite song?
LA: The Charleston, sister!
CB: Song that you wrote?
LA: What a wonderful world!
It is a classic!
CB: Well Lewis, better drink your coffee, it’s getting cold!

Al Capone is at it again

My cousin Louise from Chicago sent me a letter the other day. She was telling me about the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. She was so angry about the mob and how they are terrorizing our country. But the truth is that all anyone wants is for the big politicians to get rid of that silly legislation. The American people have spoken. It isn’t like there are no speakeasies on the corners of our streets, or there is an unspoken hate for this amendment. This law is being publically violated. The "Nobel experiment" of banning the sale of alcohol is not working.
On February 14, 1929, Al Capone and his guys were trying to take out The Irish gang Leader, George "Bugs" Moran. He was always digging into Capons business. Two guys from his side pretended to be cops. They snuck into Moran’s Garage, and killed seven men who were hanging around. Everyone's been taking about it. Capone’s kind of been a leader to all of the rebels. We have revolted against the old man and his traditions. Let’s cut our hair short, let’s drink, and dance, and have fun. I like this idea just as much as any flapper would. But I think Capone took it too far. He brought the Mob to the papers, and we aren’t supposed to know about things like that. It's too violent. Still, I hope Mr. President can hear us! How many more lives will be lost? Get rid of prohibition!