Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Crash and Burn

Everyone is running around like crazy. The banks are shutting down, and brokers are losing all their money. The stock market is crashing, and the good times are over. Who knows what will happen?
My ex-beau in New York says that it is the end of an era. He bought all of his shares in the stock market on credit, and only paid for ten percent of the stock. Now he owes so much money! He does not know how he will pay it back. Jobs are being cut as I type! I heard that whole companies are shutting down. The company that makes my lip stick just shut its doors yesterday, putting 300 people out of jobs. I guess that brokers did not inverts there money properly. They were greedy and bought on what they could not pay back. They put all their eggs into one basket. But I guess how would they have known? The market was doing so well. We were living on a bull market! But you know, growing up in poverty makes you understand what you really need. Food, water, shelter, and love. Nothing fancy. It will be no fun not having any money, but I know how to live without it. People got greedy. That is all there is too it.

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