What You Wanna Know About Clara Bow!

Hello there, guys and dolls!
This is Clara Bow here, but you can just call me Clair! I am a famous actor, and I worked hard to get where I am today. You might have seen me in a few movies such as "It," "Call me Savage," and "Hoop- La." I am one of Paramount’s biggest stars, or at least I was until the movies started coming with sound. Those Talkies are putting me out of the business. All because I have a "thick" Brooklyn accent! It’s ridiculous I tell you!

I grew up In Brooklyn. Ma didn't want me to go into the Business you know; she wanted me to stay home and work. We were poor, and Dad was not really nice to us. I learned to make myself cry from a movie called "Rock- a- by- baby" after my best friend died in my arms at when I was ten. I got away though. I won a beauty contest. "It" was my first big movie break. I was a shop girl in it. I cut my long dress just at my knees to make its short and more in style. It looked pretty good, and the rest of America though so. I was the cat’s pajamas! Flappers started popping up everywhere. They were cutting their hair just above their ears and their dresses were loose and FRINGY! They are good dancing dresses! Everyone knows me as a flapper girl. I love to dance, go to clubs, and have fun with my friends.

I never really cared about what people thought about me. I grew up in poverty, and I could relate to what life was like in the slums. In the slums, all anybody wants is some humor, and it is really appreciated at rich parties to. Living in the high life, I was the belle of the ball, not because of my dresses, but because I can tell a good, awful joke. I can shock 'em, and all those high society people like me for it. I make them laugh. One time at a party that was duller than anything, I got up on the table and told a really good joke. Those were the good times.

Some people say that my history is what killed me. They say that growing up the way I did caused me to go crazy. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia but it was really my two timing back stabbing best friend drove me crazy. My secretary, Daisy De Voe, was caught embezzling from me. I took that woman to court and she splashed my private life all over the papers. The reporters ate up her lies. It ruined me! They put me away in a sanatorium, and I decided it was time I quit.  So I settled down with my hubby, actor Rex Bell, and took care of my two boys. In 1965, I died.