Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Louder, Louis Armstrong!

I got coffee with a friend Lewis Armstrong. He's a famous trumpet player and he is pretty good. I see him at the clubs alot, especially up in Harelem. He let me take some pictures of him, and we looked at old ones.

Clara Bow: So Lewie, you're so passionate about your music. Where does that passion come from?
Lewis Armstrong: Well, I reckon it comes from my roots, where I come from. See, I was born back in the early days. I'm older than you, you know? On August 4, 1901, I was born in one of the poorest sections of old New Orleans. We were poor. My momma took care of me until I got sent to Juvenile for firing a pistol. It was there that I got my first music lessons and was inspired. Got away from that place and played trumpet with King Oliver. He was s great guy. He taught me everything I know!
CB: That was in New Orleans. How did you end up here in New York?
LA: It was a long road Clair, but we made it. A lot of the southerners were moving up there, and we just went where the music went. We had some good times up in Chicago. I love that city! But old King Oliver was always moving us along. We preformed on the radio in 1926. I did a little scat, but things really got big when we were in New York.
CB: New York is where big things happen!
LA: They sure did! We sang at Conies in, up in Harlem. Those were high times. After that I got to perform scat on Broadway in Conies Hot Chocolate.
CB: So what is your favorite thing about being famous?
LA: Besides the all the food I can eat?
CB: (Laughing) that was always a bonus.
LA: Honestly, I love being a role model for my race. I hope that someday, we will have the same privileges that white's do. I think it’s a necessity that we should. It is not fair that I have to entertain these white folks, yet my brothers cannot even come inside the club to hear their man playing. It just isn't right. Women got the right to vote, so when is it our turn?
CB: I never knew that this was such an issue...I have another question. It is not quite as deep!
So you said you liked all the food you get to eat. What is your favorite?
LA: If I could pick anything....
CB: Anything!
LA: I would have to stick with my mom's fried chicken!
CB: Favorite song?
LA: The Charleston, sister!
CB: Song that you wrote?
LA: What a wonderful world!
It is a classic!
CB: Well Lewis, better drink your coffee, it’s getting cold!

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