Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Times are a changing!

I can remember when I lived in New York with my mom, and we barely had running water. Horses carted around the streets at night, and impractically long dresses seemed to restrain women to the home. But now women are cutting their hair short, flapping around, dancing to the Charleston and making so much noise. We drink, smoke, and stay out late. We are so different that the mothers who raised us. Girls are coming from far and wide to live in the city. They want to buy the most fashionable clothes and live the lives of socialites. We are free! We can vote, and yet we are still begging men to buy us dinner!
 There have been so many more inventions being used. Why, I listen to the radio everyday! Have to the mooring whether on KLRP and hear the baseball games. Me and my beau love going to the baseball games. He can yell and scream at good old Babe, and I don't have to shush him one bit. I think America has fallen in love with baseball. In the past it would have seemed so frivolous to just high tail it to a game in the middle of the afternoon, but boy do I enjoy a great baseball game.
Day trips are also as much fun. We can just hop in our model T's and head down the road to the Bach. It doesn’t take too long! I cannot believe how much this country has stated producing. I mean, it is the second industrial revolution. Ford is churning out cars as fast as he can, and traffic jams are happening almost as fast.
Speaking of fast, air plains have taken over the sky. Why just yeasterday I got a package from Aunt may In Springfield, Conneticut! She sent me a bow and an ice chest! She has always been the thoughtful one in teh family. I have always wated to fly on a plan like Ameilia Airheart and Lindy. They fly all over the world, over cities, and oceans. I would like to feel that freedom.
One thing is for sure, the movies will never get old. Not in this generation or the next. As long as I am on the silver screen, everything will be okay!

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