Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Al Capone is at it again

My cousin Louise from Chicago sent me a letter the other day. She was telling me about the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. She was so angry about the mob and how they are terrorizing our country. But the truth is that all anyone wants is for the big politicians to get rid of that silly legislation. The American people have spoken. It isn’t like there are no speakeasies on the corners of our streets, or there is an unspoken hate for this amendment. This law is being publically violated. The "Nobel experiment" of banning the sale of alcohol is not working.
On February 14, 1929, Al Capone and his guys were trying to take out The Irish gang Leader, George "Bugs" Moran. He was always digging into Capons business. Two guys from his side pretended to be cops. They snuck into Moran’s Garage, and killed seven men who were hanging around. Everyone's been taking about it. Capone’s kind of been a leader to all of the rebels. We have revolted against the old man and his traditions. Let’s cut our hair short, let’s drink, and dance, and have fun. I like this idea just as much as any flapper would. But I think Capone took it too far. He brought the Mob to the papers, and we aren’t supposed to know about things like that. It's too violent. Still, I hope Mr. President can hear us! How many more lives will be lost? Get rid of prohibition!

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